Wednesday, July 31, 2019

World War II Through the 1970’s

In this paper I will go into details explains two major historical turning points that occurred during the period of World War II through the 1970’s, and the effect it had on today’s society, economy, politics and culture. In this paper I will also give two reasons why in the late 30’s Americans wanted to remain out of the European conflict.In this paper I will talk about the role women played to helped win World War II, will describes two civil rights breakthroughs, explain two ways the Vietnam War brought political awareness to a new generation of young Americans and I will talk about two programs that president Lyndon Johnson Great Society Agenda had put into effect and that are still into effect today. A turning point was in 1962, the world experienced a threat so real, so dangerous, and so deadly; that any believed Armageddon was approaching. The Cuban Missile Crisis was undoubtedly the closest the world has come to nuclear war in its entire existence.The pr esence of Soviet nuclear warheads on Cuban soil, less than 100 miles from the coast of Florida shocked the world. The discovery of the missiles was completely unexpected; the public's reaction was not. Thousands of people stockpiled food, students were trained to survive nuclear holocaust and civilians built bomb shelters in their back yards. It was the most shocking event of the 20th Century. The second turning point was the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on August 27, 1963 where Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King delivered his I Have A dream speech on the steps on the Lincoln Memorial.Two Historical Points There are many major historical points during this period of time such as Pearl Harbor, Integrating in Baseball, the murder of Emmett Till, Brown v. Board of Education, Civil Rights Movement, Black Power Movement, Chicano Movement, the assassination of President Kennedy, Malcolm X, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, and Robert Kennedy, Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal. In m y opinion all of these events had effect on today’s society. One of the historical points is bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 4, 1941. A Japanese bomber attacked the United States pacific fleet.This attacked killed 2,403 Americans at the same time Japan also attacked American positions in the Philippines, Guam, and Midway Islands as well as Hong Kong and Malaysia. President Roosevelt declared that December 7th would become a date which will live in infamy. On December 8, 1941 declared war and on December 11th Adolf Hitler declared war on United States making it a world war. ( Schultz, 2012 p,413) The Watergate Scandal is known for its complex web of serious political scandals that occurred during 1972 and 1974. At the time the president was Richard M.Nixon, this scandal would change his Life and his legacy and the lives of many people involved as well as the Americans view of political leaders. During Nixon successful reelection bid in 1972, five men were arrested breaking into the Democratic National Committee offices at the Watergate Hotel in Washington D. C. One of the men worked directly for Nixon’s Committee (CREEP). (Shultz,2012 p. 474) Many things were found out during the long investigation including the unveiling that President Nixon was taping all the conversations in the White House.Also Nixon’s vice president Agnew was also admitted to tax evasion. There was also many other things that came to light during the Watergate Scandal leading Americans to have major distrust within the entire leaders of our country. Today political leaders and everyone for that matter grasp the idea that no one is above the law. I believe the biggest outcome of the Watergate Scandal would be the realization that the â€Å"freedom of press† defined in the First Amendment can be held up and used to print and report on if the information is true. Stay out of European AffairsThe disinclination of Americans to become too closely involved with Eur opean affairs was also reflected in the Administration’s refuge policies. As the Nazis steeped up their persecution of Jews and other minorities, a steady trickle of German Jews sought refuge in countries around the world. ( America’s Decades 1930’s p. 343) The people of the United States had many reason as to why the wished to stay neutral in what became World War II. First from my understanding Americans were still trying to recover from World War I and also the Great Depression.America suffered from so many devastating blows financially during the Great Depression. They felt as if we should concentrate on recovering here at home first rather than going overseas and incurring more financial problems. The second reason I think Americans wanted to remain out of the European Conflict is because of a man named Adolf Hitler. Although Adolf Hitler did many horrible unforgiving things during his time Americans took a liking to him at first. This was simply because Hi tler pulled Germany out a horrible economic depression in record breaking time.Americans thought that if Hitler had enough power and wisdom to help Germany so swiftly then why should be fight such a strong and very smart power. Women Role in WWII Women played a very significant role during the World War II to help the United States achieve a win. During the World War II many women found themselves left at home trying to do whatever they could to make ends meet. Hundreds of thousands of women went to work in factories taking the place of many male jobs. During the war around 350,000 women enlisted into various branches of the armed forces working mainly as nurses and secretaries.A great achievement women made during the war was becoming Air Force service pilots. This gave males the opportunity to leave the service aspect of the military to join in actual combat. Women made up a major part of the Red Cross lending hand to wounded soldiers to help heal and get them back to combat statu s. Civil Rights Breakthrough Between the end of World War II and the passing of the passing of Civil Rights Act in 1964 many Africa Americans devoted their lives to fighting devoted their lives to fighting social injustices. Like much of United States society in 1940’s professional baseball was segregation.The Major League was for white players only. When it came to African America baseball player they were restricted to the Negro League with received little press. Jackie Robinson broke the baseball color line when the Brooklyn Dodgers started him on April 15, 1947. As the first African American to Major League Baseball Robinson had to endure racial taunts, threat, and death letter by fans of the game. He also had to death with it from other players and his teammates, some players shunned him or kicked him with spike shoes as he ran bases. (America’s 1940 p. 122) Robinson played at top level he batted .97 in his rookie year, won National League Rookie of the Year and l ed the Dodgers to 1947 World Series. Just elven weeks after Jackie Robinson integrated baseball Larry Doby deducted with the Cleveland Indians. Robinson was the first African American inducted into Baseball Hall of Fame in 1962 . In 1951 suit was filed against the Topeka Board of Education at a state level with the help of the NAACP. Unfortunately the case was lost, but got taken on by the Supreme Court. After a long battle inBrown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansa decided by the Supreme Court in 1954, is considered the case that began to dismantle legal segregation.It brought together five discrimination suits being filed across the country against locally segregated school system where blacks’ schools were found to be inadequate. The case argued by Charles Hamilton Houston, James Nabritt, Thurgood Marshall ( who became the first African American Supreme Court Justice) who had applied for to University of Maryland Law School and was refused because of his race. ( Legacy Treasures of Black History p. 171) The murder of Emmett Louis Till was an African American boy who was murdered in Mississippi he was only fourteen.It was reported that he was flirting with a white woman named Carolyn Bryant. Several nights later Bryant’s husband and half-brother took Till from his great uncle house and brought him to a barn where they beat him and gouged out one of his eyes then they shoted him in the head. They dispose his body in the Tallahatchie River weighting it down with a 70 pound cotton gin. Till body was found three days later he body was returned to Chicago, Illinois to his mother where she insisted on a public funeral with an open casket to show the world the brutality of the murder of her son.Ten of thousands attended the funeral or viewed his casket and images of his mutilated body was publish in Jet magazine and newspapers. Emmett Till murder is noted as a pivotal event motivating the Civil Rights moment. That December of 1955 in Montgomery, A labama Rosa Park refused to give her seat up and was arrested that spark a boycott of the public bus system in Montgomery, Alabama that last thirteen months. Vietnam War While Vietnam started in 1955 the United States did not enter until roughly 1961.America wanted to remain out of this war but ultimately succumb to the realization that we intervene if we did not want communism to spread any farther than it already had. As of today the Vietnam War is known for its dramatic bloodshed with the losses of so many lives and also for that to date is the only war United States lost due to withdrawing from the war. Today we can see the effects of the war economically because all of the health problems we see in the veterans of the war. We help to pay for the medical bills of proud men that served our country during that time.Our veterans today still suffer greatly from port traumatic stress disorder and drug dependencies. The war was also very costly not in just that thousands of lives were lost but also financially. The Vietnam War brought political awareness to a new generation of young Americans in many ways. The war weakened public faith in government, and in the honesty of its leaders. A high degree of suspicion and distrust toward authority of all kind was felt by most Americans. Also Americans discredited the military for a long time to come. Americans would come to never have respect for or trust public institutions again like they had before the war.President Johnson’s Great Society President Lyndon Johnson did many great things for our country, including what is called his â€Å"Great Society† agenda. While the Great Society agenda had many aspects of it, I think one of the dynamics that still stands today and is very important to us is the Economic Opportunity Act (EOA) of 1964. The EOA was created to do many things but a few are commonly still heard about. For example the EOA created a program called Head Start. Head Start is provides many th ings including education, parent involvement, health, nutrition, and family support services to low income families.The EOA also created the Job Corps which is still in operation today. Job Corps is a free training and education program that helps low income young people aged 16 to 21 earn a high school diploma, learn a career, and find and keep a career. Another program that was created in 1965 under Johnsons Great Society was Medicare. Medicare is in full force still in today’s time. Medicare is a national insurance program, regulated by the U. S. federal government; it guarantees access to health insurance for Americans for younger people with disabilities and for those ages 65. (Shultz 2012 p. 458)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility in South Africa and Ghana: a Comparison of Successes, Failures and Futures in a “Developed” and an “Undeveloped” African Country

Corporate Social Responsibility in South Africa and Ghana: a comparison of successes, failures and futures in a â€Å"developed† and an â€Å"undeveloped† African country Few industries affect the social, economic and environmental sectors to the extent that the mining industry does. As minerals development expanded, so the international awareness of its impacts grew. Mining-related legislation, both internationally and nationally, has evolved significantly in the past two decades, actively aimed at ensuring Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), where companies are held accountable for their actions. In developing countries like South Africa and Ghana that are heavily dependent on gold trade and the associated international investment, the challenge is to ensure that environmental and social impacts of mining are mitigated, that non-renewable resources are converted into national wealth and that mining-generated revenue is claimed and disbursed. In this paper the evolution of CSR in South Africa, a more developed African Nation, and Ghana, a less developed African nation, are compared. Recommendations are made as to potential avenues for CSR progression. The objectives of international mining policy reform have changed dramatically in the past few decades. During the 1970s the aim of mining policy was to increase government control. During the 1980s the aims of reform became to increase investment and to mitigate the socio-economic impacts of mining. This was attempted through the Growth Employment and Reconstruction plan in SA (Fig, 2005), and the Economic Recovery Plan in Ghana (Hilson, 2002). Both plans advocated more privatization, trade liberalization and deregulation. Although the general international trend was to redefine the role of the state, particularly in industrial areas, the adoption of this ambition by African countries has proven detrimental. Biersteker (1990) argues that the reduction of the state greatly reduced its function to govern, particularly undercutting its regulatory ability, its function as a mediator in civil disputes and its ability to regulate and collaborate with the private sector. Campbell (2005) poses that this is because the legislative and regulatory reform adopted by many developing mining-dependent African countries during the past few decades has undermined the role of the state and has proved incompatible with the challenges of the countries concerned. This has impaired the ability of these governments to exert CSR pressure on mining companies. CSR in Africa has grown parallel to these changes in the role of the state, and international mining legislation has had varying impacts on SA and Ghanaian regulations. Despite being based on a non-renewable resource, the main theme in changing international legislation is that of sustainable development, particularly in developing countries in which a large percentage of mining is done by foreign companies. It is, however, the sovereign right of a state to exploit its natural resources. This sovereignty was vehemently upheld by post-colonial developing nations that rely on mineral resources, two prominent examples of which being SA and Ghana. It has become apparent, however, that mining has far-reaching impacts that often have transboundary degrading effects, resulting in international attempts at regulation. CSR in South Africa The formal terms of CSR in SA were originally raised in 1972 and the view taken by many businesses was that they should not have to take responsibility for Apartheid, but should rather improve social standards within their respective businesses. These concepts were formalized in the Sullivan Principles, which were aimed at entrenching non-discrimination in the workplace into the core business activities, particularly in SA-based US companies (Visser, 2005). Although other CSR groups formed, like the Consultative Business Movement, the move away from philanthropy only really became evident after the first democratic elections in 1994, and when the Black Economic Empowerment Programme (BEE) was introduced. The aim of BEE is to promote equal racial ownership, education, training and local economic development. In 2002 the goal for black ownership in the mining sector was set at 26% within 10 years (Fig, 2005). BEE was particularly important in the mining sector, as in order to obtain mining rights, businesses had to meet the requirements of a BEE ‘scorecard’. A number of principles have been introduced to target human rights, a major CSR concern in SA. These include Voluntary Principles on Human Rights and Security and the OECD Risk Awareness Tool for Multinational Enterprises in Weak Governance Zones (Hamann, 2009). Another important milestone was the Kings Report, released in 2002, which outlined the CSR requirements for companies, including â€Å"recogniz[ing] that stakeholders such as the community in which the company operates, its customers, its employees and its suppliers amongst others need to be considered when developing the strategy of a company† (Visser, 2005). It also requires that businesses report annually on their social, transformation (including BEE), ethical, safety, health and environmental management policies. A positive and innovative spinoff of the King’s Report was the introduction of a Kings Index on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. Companies are required to meet the criteria of the King’s Report in order to list with the JSE, providing a fiscally competitive incentive to adopt CSR principles (Dale, 2005). This progressive legislation forms the beginnings of a seemingly sound CSR framework. But the SA government struggles to maintain the pressure needed to enforce all of its requirements. As in Ghana, SA’s dependence on the mining industry makes the government loathe to confront deviant companies for fear of disinvestment and job losses. Firms often run philanthropic programmes merely as an attempt to maintain â€Å"business as usual†, satisfying the bare minimum for CSR. The lack of government capacity is most prominent in environmental requirements. Many mining companies have introduced more stringent environmental management regulations and have increased CSR spending, but Fig (2005) shows that due to lack of governmental pressure and effective sustainable reporting, many of the claims of these companies do not match their actions. In recognition of its weaknesses, however, the SA government has adopted provision for voluntary conflict resolution within its environmental legislation (Fig, 2005). As an example of a developing country embracing CSR, SA has proven itself relatively forward-thinking and successful. SA is at the forefront of CSR legislation in Africa. It is in the inability to enforce these laws that the clearest CSR similarities, and failures, with Ghana, a less developed African nation, can be seen. CSR in Ghana For the past 1000 years Ghana has enjoyed a thriving gold trade. However, due to political turmoil and changing mining and economic policy, by the beginning of the 1980s the gold-mining industry was virtually stagnant, and became the focal point in the country’s Economic Recovery Programme in 1983 (Campbell, 2005). Ghana also received assistance from the World Bank, the conditions of which resulted in the elimination of most barriers to entry for foreign investors, including reducing corporate taxes, royalty payments, foreign exchange taxes and import duties. The company retention amounts negotiated by foreign investors were far above average and signify the extentto which the Ghanaian government was prepared to go to stimulate the industry (Campbell, 2005). This also indicates the extent to which the government was and is prepared to turn a blind eye to companies’ exploitation of the country. Liberalized legislation resulted in an approximate 800-fold growth of the predominantly foreign-controlled gold mining industry in the past 20 years. But this growth has been accompanied by very little change in the quality of life of the Ghanaian people. In 2006 the International Council on Mining and Metals claimed that gold mining has not only ‘kick-started† Ghana’s economy, but that many of the large-scale mining companies are â€Å"committed to [CSR]†. In contrast, Hilson (2007) argues locals’ lives have been worsened by the increased use of land, relocations and environmental dilapidation. Because of the lax policies adopted by the government, the nation’s share of the mineral development profits has been minimal. Despite the 40% contribution of total merchandise export earnings that gold-mining in Ghana represents, the contribution to GDP is only 2-3% (Hilson, 2002). Thus the government lacks fiscal control, and as such cannot redirect funds efficiently towards development projects. The most formal adoption of international policy in Ghana was that of the Global Mining Initiative (GMI) in 1998. Ghanaian mining companies claimed that â€Å"a series of dynamic and innovative community development projects†¦ empowering rural communities and improving quality of life† were to be initiated (Garvin, 2009). But others report that the mines are encroaching on indigenous land, resulting in cultural dislocation, poverty, displacement and environmental damage. Promises of jobs and adequate compensation have been broken. This is evident in the relatively small number of Ghanaians employed by mining companies, a mere 20 000, despite the immensesize of the industry (Garvin, 2009). An interesting response to growing unemployment is the intensification of small-scale, artisanal mining, nicknamed the galamsey. The galamseyhave become an important means for support for many subsistence farmers who have been displaced, but their illegal status has led to them being labelled â€Å"hazardous and environmentally damaging† by the Chamber of Mines (Bush, 2008). There is potential for both large and small scale miners to collaborate, as they have different methods and it is uneconomical for one to do what the other does. This has been proven by Goldfields, who have leased small portions of land to groups of galamsey. Most large-scale gold ines refuse to license their unused land for work, so the galamseyare forced to mine illegally in order to eke out a living. Hilson (2007) accuses the large mining companies of supporting a massive military sweep aimed at eradicating the galamsey, which resulted in human rights violations and many forced removals. Instead of taking advantage of collaborative opportunities major mine operators in Ghana have resorted to the most common CSR endeavours amongst extractive mine companies: the building of schools, clinics and libraries. These CSR projects are still predominantly philanthropic and unsustainable. Garvin (2009) determined, through a series of surveys, that although many locals perceived an increase in social welfare, they reported a decline in security, increased crime, cyanide-poisoned water, and other environmental hazards resulting in a lack of useful agricultural land. Notwithstanding the urgings from the World Bank Industries Review, Departments for International Development, the UN, and limited pressure from the Chamber of Mines, most CSR programmes that go beyond philanthropy emphasize the expansion of existing practices such as pig-rearing, livestock and activities. These give little opportunity for advancement, provide little more than subsistence wages and definitely do not contribute to sustainable economic growth (Hilson, 2007). One of the largest problems with CSR in Ghana, and similarly in SA, is the lack of communication between government, companies and public. Mining companies enter into agreements with the national government, paying royalties of 9%, of which 3% go towards community development (Hilson, 2007). These monies pass through many layers of government and administration, and often very little reach the locals they are meant to compensate. Inhabited land is often designated for mining with little or no consent from the inhabitants. Under the Minerals and Mining Act (2006) mining companies are required to compensate displaced people for their crops and use of land, but these payments are still woefully undervalued (Hilson, 2007). Locals value their land quite differently from the value placed on it by mine employees and the lack of communication only worsens these discrepancies. The regulatory and reporting systems in Ghana are very poor, effectively making the situation for many locals worse than that seen in SA. There have been few legal efforts made to legislate mining activities, thus the improvement of CSR practices is dependent on international legislation, NGOs and pressure groups. Changing the CSR Pyramid There are certain drivers of CSR that are significantly different in developing countries than in developed countries like Europe and the US. Existing models must be adapted to fit the individual needs of developing countries. One such model is Carroll's pyramid, consisting of 4 tiers; economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic responsibilities. draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} Figure 1: Pyramid models for CSR drivers (adapted from Visser, 2006) Visser advocates thatto adapt Carroll's pyramid to developing countries, economic responsibilities are given the highest priority, followed by philanthropic, legal and ethical. The economic tier represents the need for businesses to not only ensure that direct foreign investment increases, alleviating poverty and unemployment, but that fu rther investment is generated, goods and services produced and stable infrastructure built. Visser argues that the emphasis on philanthropy is necessary because of the dire situation and poor quality of life in many developing countries thathave become reliant on donor assistance. Philanthropy has become ingrained in developing country CSR. The legal responsibilities are of lower priority because the pressure to adhere to legislation in developing countries is less than in developed countries. In order to elicit response, both nationally and internationally, sustainable indicators must be developed allowing more accurate reporting of CSR successes and failures. Efficient and diverse indicators allow for better sustainable reporting and transparency. These indicators serve two main functions: providing guidelines for company policy and government policy (Danegard, 2005). Increasing the number of indicators increases the scope for surveys or investigations. Data collected from these is usually validated by companies and government, and is, as yet, not mandatory. Although these inquiries may provide useful data, Danegard (2005) suggests that the use of third party verification may be necessary where governments lack the capacity for collection and evaluation. References Biersteker, T. J. , 1990. Reducing the Role of the State in the Economy: A Conceptual Exploration of IMF and World Bank Prescriptions. International Studies Quarterly, 34(4), 477-492. Bush, R. , 2009. ‘Soon there will be no-one left to take the corpses to the morgue’: Accumulation and abjection in Ghana’s mining communities. Resources Policy, 34, 57-63. Campbell, B. , 2005. The Challenges of Development, Mining Codes in Africa and Corporate Responsibility. In International and Comparative Mineral Law and Policy . International Energy and Resources Law & Policy. The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International, pp. 801-822. Dale, M. , 2005. Comparative International and African Mineral Law as Applied in the Formation of the New South African Mineral Development Legislation. In International and Comparative Mineral Law and Policy . International Energy and Resources Law & Policy. The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International, pp. 823-852. Dalupan, M. , 2005. Mining and Sustainable Development: Insights from International Law. In International and Comparative Mineral Law and Policy . International Energy and Resources Law & Policy. The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International, pp. 149-168. Danegard, A. , 2005. Sustainable development indicators for the minerals industry: Who needs them? What stakes justify producing them? In International and Comparative Mineral Law and Policy . The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International, pp. 621-626. Fig, D. , 2005. Manufacturing amnesia: Corporate Social Responsibility in South Africa. International Affairs, 81(3), 599-617. Garvin, T. et al. , 2009. Community-company relations in gold mining in Ghana. Journa of Environmental Management, 90, 571-586. Hamann, R. 2004. Corporate social responsibility, partnerships, and institutional change: The case of mining companies in South Africa. Natural Resources Forum, 28, 278-290. Hamann, R. , 2003. Mining companies’ role in sustainable development: the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of corporate social responsibility from a business perspective. Development Southern Africa, 20(2), 237-254. Hamann, R. , 2009. South Africa: The Role of History, Government, and Local Context. In Global Practices of Corporate Social Responsibility. Berlin: Springer, pp. 435-462. Hamann, R. & Kapelus, P. , 2004. Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining in Southern Africa: Fair accountability or just greenwash? Development, 47(3), 85-92. Hilson, G. , 2007. Championing the Rhetoric? ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ in Ghana’s Mining Sector. GMI, 53. Hilson, G. , 2002. Harvesting mineral riches: 1000 years of gold mining in Ghana. Resources Policy, 28, 13-26. Littlewood, G. , 2000. The Global Mining Initiative – Address to Mining 2000. Visser, W. , 2005. Corporate Citizenship in South Africa – A Review of Progress since Democracy. JCC, 18, 28-38. Visser, W. , 2006. Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing Countries. pp. 473-499.

Ishmael Beah’s Experience in A long way Gone

The book A long way gone is a literary work that narrates the ordeals of a child-soldier in the hands of fate. The writer, Isheal Beah became a soldier at thirteen. As the enthralling story enfolds, he recounts his experience during and after the war. At twelve he had fled for the attacking rebels in his country, Sierra Leone into the streets turned insane by the violence of war. A year later he was converted to a soldier by the government’s army. This is where the heart-wrenching tale, a first class experience of a transformation from a young boy, with a tender heart to a killer boy begins. He was exposed to all the undiluted vices of war. From drugs that they were given to strengthen them and the ammunitions they were given to kill themselves with. He was given an AK-47 much heavier then his hands could carry. One moment an innocent boy, the next moment a â€Å"killerboy†, capable of intense violence and terrible acts. Ishmeal tells his story with an unparallel truth bearing in mind other people’s feelings. Now twenty-six he looks back, down the memory lane at all he had been through, how he survived the war and how he survived his rehabilitation after the war. For three years he fought in the war until he was removed by UNICEF. With the help of the organization, he received rehabilitation, a re-transitional process to his former self before the war. Haunted by the war’s experience, the war was over truly, but the war within Ishmeal’ heart continues. The rehabilitation experience was a story of self-war in itself, involving a self-forgiving process and a requisition of humanity long lost till eventually the final healing began to come. Ishmeal’s experience reminds us of all the wars across the globe and how children have become the easy choice for these wars. With more than fifty wars going on, over 300,000 children have been converted to soldiers. All going through the trauma and hell that Ishmeal went through. The story fits into the trend of history in the twentieth century that was so full of African genocide, Gulf war and other wars around the world. The story also reminds us of the consequences of war, the unchecked genocide perpetrated by human to fellow humans and the effects of all these on several thousands of children and others, whose lives have been altered miserably by war. Ishmeal’s story does this an alarming genuity and explicit emotional force. His experience is quite unique because he was not only a witness but also a victim. He saw and conquered. The story was written like a memoir which has not only added colour to the story but made it more unique, for he narrates them in first person that made it more gripping. His honesty is exacting, and a proof to the ability of children to outlive their sorrows and suffering, if given a chance. From his recounts of the burning villages and total destruction to all, the story raises the question in all rationale minds†¦ what do human gain from war? â€Å"My high school friends have begun to suspect I haven’t told them the full story of my life. † â€Å"Why did you leave Sierra Leone? † â€Å"Because there is a war. † â€Å"Did you witness some of the fighting? † â€Å"Everyone in the country did. † â€Å"You mean you saw people running around with guns and shooting each other? † â€Å"You should tell us about it sometime. † â€Å"Yes, sometime. †

Monday, July 29, 2019

Budget Requirements Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Budget Requirements - Coursework Example The selected families will be offered free training, education and mentorship programs until they qualify to leave the program. For us to finance all the activities of the organization, we require to have around $100,000. This will enable us to cater for all the services that we will be delivering to our beneficiaries. As indicated in our budget, the available resources will be properly spent. Meaning, all the planned items will be funded as planned. The total number of families will be 50. This is the appropriate number that we will mange to support at this time. Out of these families, each family will be allocated $1,837. This will be enough to cater for all their expenses throughout the year. However, it is from this allocation that we will get the money to provide for all the necessary services and materials that they will be requiring as we enroll them into this program. They will be used for licensing the program, buying the required materials, paying the personnel and catering for any other activity which might be undertaken during the program. For this reason, we will allocate a total of $30,000 for staff salaries. This will be used to remunerate the program coordinator, assistant coordinator, part and full-time instructors who will be directly handling the children. Besides, we will spend $20,000 on training services; $10,000 for technical assistance; $5,000 for acquiring licenses and registering with our national affiliates. At the same time, we will have to spare $10,000 for the development of the program and then use $10,000 to purchase learning materials such as text books. Last, but by no means the least, the remaining $850 will be left for any other expense which might arise, may be because of emergency or such like issues. By doing this, we are assured of a promising career in the NGO

Sunday, July 28, 2019

How successful have Chinese social policy reforms been since 1978 Essay

How successful have Chinese social policy reforms been since 1978 - Essay Example There are two groups of scholars who hold conflicting opinions on the success or failure of China’s social policy reform since 1978; the first is the group of western scholars who are familiar with their own countries social welfare policy and therefore dissatisfied with China’s contribution to the welfare policy. Then there are scholars mainly from mainland china who are of the opinion that the country has contributed significantly in improving the social welfare progress, they consider that the administrations have succeeded in the social policy reforms (Jones 2003, p.41). This paper explores the china’s social policy reforms, the paper further analyses the success if any of the social reforms with respect to prevailing circumstances. Economic reform and social policies In the later years, most mainland Chinese scholars have concluded that china’s welfare provision increased considerably, they cite several examples that show this point of view. First, th e per capita area of housing in urban areas, the floor area per capita in urbanized areas stood at 28.3 square meters in the year 2011 rising from 6.7 square meters in 1978 (Man, 2011). In the same breadth, the average housing per head in the same period rose from 6.7square meters to a high of 29.7 square meters. Home and car ownership have increased over the years, a 2011 survey on homeownership revealed that up to 93 percents of the respondents were homeowners and 97 per cent home ownership in the rural areas( Zhao and Guoli 2009, p.192). Secondly, the human development issues have vastly improved over the years, such reducing illiteracy levels, rise in life expectancy, drop in infant mortality rates, and soaring Human Development Index. The average number of years that youths attend school between the ages of 15 to 24 has increased, rising from a low of 5.8 in the year 1985 and a high of 7.57 in the year 2000. The rate of life expectancy has interestingly improved in the last twe nty eight years, reaching 73.27 in the year 2010 from 66.50 in 1978, consequently, infant mortality rates have steeply declined over the same period of time, and in 1978 the number of deaths was 48 falling to a low of 13 in 2010 ( Jeffries 2011, p.30). Finally, China’s Human Development Index Ranking was 0.699 in the year 2012 having leaped by a whole 0.010 from the previous year and showing a trend of always rising over the years, in the year 2012 main land China was ranked at number 101(National Bureau of Statistics, 2012). The most important factor that fuelled and propelled Chin’s economy into such greater heights is urbanization and rapid industrialization. Over the last two and a half decade, china has shifted from a rural agrarian economy to an industrializing urban economy. The move also implied a move from the state control and command economy to an open market based economy, this movement led to high number of farmers abandoning their farms and heading to urb an areas to perform odd labour jobs. Just before the reform process began in 1978, about 80.9 percent of China’s population lived in the rural areas, and by 2010 only about 50.5 per cent of the population lived in the rural area (OECD 2012, p.150). The number of people who lived in the urban areas by 2010 had surpassed those living in the rural areas, of the 1.333 billion people in China; those who were living in the urban

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Womens Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Womens Human Rights - Essay Example This paper is aimed at analyzing the very depth of Canada's women's rights. More specifically, this tackles the history of women's rights in Canada, the benefits that it has given to its populace - both for the men and women, and the comparison of Canada's women's rights versus that of the other countries. The United Nations' Charter protected the equal rights of women. The human rights of women is one of 12 critical areas of concern in the Platform for Action adopted at the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing and was further elaborated at the 42nd session (1998) of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (, 2006). Canada was one of the first countries to sign and ratify the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), adopted in 1979. CEDAW introduced a gender component to the rights outlined in other international human rights treaties. It sets international standards for eliminating gender discrimination (, 2006). This human rights of women remains a central foreign policy priority for Canada, both in bilateral discussions and in multilateral forum. Canada has been working so hard make women's human rights a strong focus of the Commission on the Status of Women and the Commission on Human Rights, and Canada has actively promoted the integration of the human rights of women throughout the UN system (

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Impact of Privatisation on Sustainability of Water in the United Essay

The Impact of Privatisation on Sustainability of Water in the United Arab Emirates - Essay Example Thus keeping a sustainable water supply in place is essential for the future of the country. Interviews have a number of strengths and weaknesses associated with them. Among the strengths are the ability to gauge both the knowledge and attitudes of the respondents, and also how the two influence one another. The weakness is that these are purely qualitative in nature, and so cannot produce quantitative, empirical evidence as to the state of the water supply and sustainability in the UAE. This study involved 29 interviews divided evenly between Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Fujairah: the three major cities in the UAE. As will be illustrated, there were contrasts both intra- and inter- city in the attitudes towards and knowledge of sustainable water supplies. It is these attitudes that will be so important in the decades to come as creating a sustainable water supply is as much a matter for the general population as it is for the government of a country. Sustainability can only occur with the active cooperation of the population, without this it is merely a pleasant but empty ideal with no practical basis. It is interesting to note the variety of responses to both the definition of â€Å"sustainability† and how the respondents expanded on â€Å"what is important with regards to sustainability?† The definitions range from the simple to the complex to the comprehensive. Thus AUH1 states simply, â€Å"Sustainability for water means you use only the renewable resources that you cannot affect or deteriorate your water resources which is not here applicable in Abu Dhabi Emirate because the demand is more than water production and we rely on ground water which is not renewable.† Apart from the difference in style of reply, it is obvious that AUH1 places the definition of sustainability clearly (and solely) within the human context of whether â€Å"everyone† has a secure and safe

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Battle between the Pluralist and Unitary of Reference in Australia Essay

Battle between the Pluralist and Unitary of Reference in Australia - Essay Example The most commonly discussed frames of references for analyzing the employee relations include the unitary and pluralist perspectives. These two concepts bear contrasting differences with respect to each other and help the management deal with situations and conflicts in an effective manner. This paper shall discuss the workplace relations in Australia with respect to the unitary and pluralist frames of reference. 2. Differences between Unitary and Pluralist Perspective The unitary perspective includes the concept of shared goals and unified vision among all the employees and employers. According to Agarwal (2008), the believers of this perspective are under the impression that success can be attained only if the members of the organization possess the same views and business objectives, in spite of their differing job descriptions and nature of tasks. Whereas according to Edwards (2003); some school of thoughts believe that unitary frame of reference bears minimal degree of practical ity for most situations since it holds the assumption that all employees are loyal to the organization and the management makes all decisions in accordance with the best interests of their employees. Such organizations do not promote the concept of trade unions, rather stress on the efforts involving team building and management. Trade unions are discouraged so that the probability of occurrence of conflicts is minimized. Budd and Bhave (2006) explained that any conflicts that may arise in the organization will be simply an outcome of poor management or misunderstanding, rather than conflict of interests. In the modern times, human resources management has taken over to monitor the employee relations of organizations. On the contrary, pluralist frame of reference caters the self-interests of employees that might cause competition and motivation of fulfillment of personal goals more than harmony and common interests. Individuals with common goals and interests may develop unions to s upport each other in the presence of conflicts. Edwards (2003) stated that whenever different sources of authority are present, the probability of greater conflicts is witnessed. Some of the conflicts of interests might arise due to the employees’ demand for higher salaries and employers’ demand for lower wages etc. The conflict of interests creates dissimilar visions and objectives and thus, ends up affecting the productivity and revenues of the organization. The management (of such frame of reference) is often witnessed to serve more time in coordination and motivating employees, rather than controlling and improvising. 3. Workplace Relations in Australia Australia is counted amongst the regions that had been under the affect of plurality frame of reference since the initial years of the twentieth century. This was the time when unions played a vital role in influencing the structure of the employee and industrial relations. Leigh (2005) provided an estimate to highl ight the degree of integration of unions in Australia at that time; at least 2 from 5 employees were known to be a part of some union in their organization. The gradual introduction of policies and systems by the government caused changes in the traditional structure of Australian employee relations; their intervention has resulted in the

Communication Process Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Communication Process Paper - Essay Example All the key parts of the communication process are deemed to be integrated within the open communication pattern that is encouraged within the work setting. As such, corporate messages or correspondences could be sent from the top – down, or from the bottom – up without necessarily observing restricted protocols (for instance, an office clerk could not directly send a formal letter to the CEO because he or she needs to forward the letter to his or her superior; who in turn would decide whether the message is to be communicated to the proper channels along the organizational hierarchy). Explain what is involved in the communication process (how does communication occur?) As the definition of communication has identified key parts of the process, the communication occurs as initiated from a sender and down the line to the recipient. The sender is the communicator who can be any person, group, or member of the organization. The sender encodes the message into appropriate s ymbols for transmission. The qualities and characteristics of the sender are usually reflected in the message that is sent. His role, authority, educational level, personal and mental qualities, social background, and orientation are usually read in the context of the message. The receiver, likewise, can be an individual, group, or member of the organization. He decodes the symbols to understand the message. The recipient of the message is, likewise, characterized by his role, authority, educational level, and personal, social, educational qualities as reflected party as the reason for his being sent the message in the first place. On the other hand, these characteristics affect the way he reacts to the message. The message is communicated through symbols that are sent through a medium such as a memo or a telephone call. The symbols can take various forms such as verbal and non-verbal, oral and written, textual and visual. The message goes through a pathway which could be a channel along which its passage may either be facilitated or impeded. Noises or barriers apparently impede the communication process; and could result in miscommunication or misunderstandings. The pathways connect the sender and the receiver. The reaction by the recipient which may be expressed either in silence or actual response directed to the sender is the feedback. Feedback supplies the final link to complete the communication loop. It is the means by which the sender can modify subsequent messages to fit the receiver’s responses. What are the strengths and weaknesses of your organization’s communication? The strength of the open communication process encouraged in the organization is the immediate access to information and messages that must be received and addressed accordingly. Likewise, through open communication process, each member of the organization is considered a crucial part of the whole system, whose inputs, thoughts, ideas, and comments are regarded as equall y relevant. This therefore generates high morale and high job satisfaction. Concurrently, the weakness of this communication pattern is the potentials for generating too much information (information overload)

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Role of Young Adult Novels in Promoting Self-Acceptance Literature review - 2

Role of Young Adult Novels in Promoting Self-Acceptance - Literature review Example The present research has identified that young adult (YA) novels walk teens through a world of imagination, mingled with a touch of reality, in which they can align themselves with intellectually rich characters that best describe their hidden aspirations, boost their self-image, and hence carve out a world of their own with the aid of the knowledge thus acquired in order to reach out to their "self".Such is the world of fantasy and reality that gives foundations to the growing teens to conform to their true "self". Self-acceptance goes a long way to boost self-esteem, thus empowering young adults to become, and believe in, what they are. On the other hand, those who fail to recognize their true self, end up concealing their emotions, and subduing their natural talents in order to fit in the society, which they live in. Unfortunately, in their effort to conform to the society's expectations, such teens often tend to compromise on their true "self" and remain ignorant of their identit y. Self-acceptance requires conscious effort, and courage to look into one's own eyes, but once done, it empowers teens to become useful members of society.  Teens are particularly vulnerable to the expectations of the society to conform to its norms, which may not be in line with their need of self-acceptance, and, instead, may influence them negatively by taking away their freedom to act independently. The need for self-acceptance and society's conflicting expectations are beautifully illustrated in several young adult novels: The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton, Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli, Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. These novels deal with the delicate and complex phenomenon of self-acceptance in a quite sophisticated manner.  Ponyboy, the protagonist of the novel The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton, is able to discover his true self after going through many trials that may affect him negatively. The novel gained its popularity among young adults for its fine depiction of violence in Ame rican schools. Ponyboys conversations with Cherry, a Soc girl, and Randy Anderson, a Soc boy, help Ponyboy get a better look at practical life.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Future of The United Nations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Future of The United Nations - Essay Example The primary responsibility for a state is to provide protection to people within the state itself" (International Commission On Intervention And State Sovereignty 2001). Sovereignty is more then just an emblem or measure of international relations between countries. The UN does not remove sovereignty of member countries, however it takes steps to make sure the overall the UN member countries stay sovereign. It does that by assisting countries whenever an event comes up which somehow or the other effects their sovereignty (International Commission On Intervention And State Sovereignty 2001). Just to quote a recent example, Iraq and Afghanistan were proving a threat to the international community at large. Media reports claimed that the two countries possessed weapons of mass destruction and their rulers were tyrants, wanting to cause harm to their country men by taking innocent lives. The UN taking notice of the security concern, deployed its peave making force in these two countries with the aim to protect its member state from being affected anyhow by these "weapons of mass destruction" (Thakur 2001). Another very important question after the September 2011 terrorist attacks has been how should the United Nation handle "intervention calls" for human protection purposes. Interventing on humanitarian grounds has always been a very controversial topic. The Rwanda incident of 1994 is often remembered as a landmark event where UN intervention could have prevented mass genocide, but the failure of international will to intervene lead to one of the greatest human catastrophes ever. The demand for interventions has been raised by many states however the UN has not been able to service all these demands. Reasons have been various by the former UN secretary general once put it down really well in words. He said â€Å"If humanitarian intervention is, indeed, an unacceptable assault of sovereignty, how should we respond to Rwanda, to a Srebrenica – to gross and

Monday, July 22, 2019

morality of capital punishment Essay Example for Free

morality of capital punishment Essay 1) How would Kant reason with the morality of capital punishment? Describe how deontological ethics would determine whether it is morally permissible Kant is an advocate of the idea that the morality of an action is to be determined not by the extent of the pleasure or pain an act produces. Consider for example the imposition of capital punishment. According to Kant, if the utility of imposing capital punishment will be our guide then we will be doing a serious crime against humanity. Justice will not be served if we will subject to capital punishment a convict simply because we aim to deter crime, incapacitate the criminal and protect the society. Instead, capital punishment should be imposed because the person is guilty. It must be stressed that Kant upheld the right of the state to impose capital punishment against those proven guilty of committing heinous crimes. He however argued that the sole criterion and standard should be his guilt and that the punishment should be proportionate to the crime committed. That reason for this is that when a person commits a crime against another it is as if he is telling the whole world that he wants to be treated the same way. According to Kant, â€Å"If you slander another, you slander yourself; if you steal from another, you steal from yourself; if you strike another, you strike yourself; if you kill another, you kill yourself. (Immanuel Kant, the Right of Punishing) This is the principle otherwise known as the right of retaliation or Jus Talionis. This is actually a restatement of Kant’s Deontological Ethics known as the Categorical Imperative. This is the principle that morality is based on pure reason which is in the nature of an absolute command. Kant states that: â€Å"Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law. † (Garth Kemerling) If a person decides to do something to another then he does this thinking that the same should be a universal law. In effect murderers are saying that this is how people should be treated, including himself. Thus, if a person commits murder then he must also die. There is no other substitute for such a heinous crime except capital punishment. It is only by taking away the life of the person who committed the crime of murder that justice will be restored. 2. How would Mill determine if capitol punishment is morally justified? Describe how Utilitarian Ethics would determine whether capitol punishment is morally permissible Mill, on the other hand, argued that state-sanctioned punishment is justified because of its utility. There is only one standard in determining the morality for the imposition of capital punishment – that is its consequence. If capital punishment will most likely produce the greatest balance of happiness over unhappiness then the punishment is justified. But if there are other options that would produce a greater balance of happiness over unhappiness, then that option should be chosen and the imposition of capital punishment is unjustified. In simpler terms, the idea is that if we weigh the positive effects of capital punishment as against its negative effects and the positive effects outweighs the negative ones then it has to be imposed. This theory somewhat looks forward and determines the positive impact of the act to the society. According to Mill, capital punishment is the most humane punishment possible for someone who has committed a heinous crime. A quick and painless death is always better than working in hard labor while in prison for the rest of the life of the convict, to wit: â€Å"What comparison can there really be, in point of severity, between consigning a man to the short pang of a rapid death, and immuring him in a living tomb, there to linger out what may be a long life in the hardest and most monotonous toil, without any of its alleviations or rewardsdebarred from all pleasant sights and sounds, and cut off from all earthly hope, except a slight mitigation of bodily restraint, or a small improvement of diet. (John Stuart Mill) Capital Punishment is also beneficial for the society because it deters the commission of the crime not only by the convict himself but by other persons as well. It sends a clear message to would-be murderers that the state has a strong policy against crime. Although it may not be able to deter all hardened criminals, but it is capable of preventing persons other than criminals from committ ing crimes. Capital punishment will also provide a closure to the agony of the relatives of the victims and satisfy their grievance for their relative. Conclusion Both philosophers argue in favor of the morality of capital punishment. Their conclusions are the same only that their premises start from different end. For Kant, capital punishment should be allowed against those who commit heinous crimes simply because they are guilty. For Mill, capital punishment should be imposed because it is better for the convict and the society as well.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Impact of Terrorism on the Tourism Industry

Impact of Terrorism on the Tourism Industry The reason of this survey is to collect the general public opinion concerning recent terrorist attacks and its effect on Tourism industry. Data collected in the questionnaire will help me to form appropriate analyse and at the end come up with conclusion of the impact of the current terrorism issue in the industry. The information will be collected from different people and distribute in various ways such as paper forms when the survey will be handed directly to chosen group of people or electronically by using social media like   Facebook or other adequate. This questionnaire includes measures assessing responses to terrorist attacks, thinking style, probabilistic reasoning problems, behavioural change and risk. Finally, the questionnaire requests general demographic information (age and gender) and asks whether you have personally experienced a terrorist attack. Survey: Please, take your time and complete the questionnaire applying to the terrorist attacks. Please mark one most appropriate answer. 1. What is your gender? Female Male 2. What is your age group? 18-29 30-49 50-64 65 and over 18-24 years old 25-34 years old 35-44 years old 45-54 years old 55-64 years old 3. What is your occupation? Employed for wages Self-employed Out of work or looking for work A homemaker A student Military Retired Unable to work 4. How often did you travel by plane in last year? once twice three times more than three >0 5. What was the purpose of your trip? Leisure Business Visiting friends and relatives Short breaks 6. While travelling do you feel safety before / during your flight?   yes no dont know If no say why? 7. Do you know what is terrorism and violent extremist activity? Yes No Dont know 8. Would you be likely to travel to places affected by terrorism attacks just because of lower prices? Yes No Dont know 9. How would you travel to your chosen destination? Bus Plane Train Car 10. When choosing a holiday destination if an area you wanted to visit had been affected by terrorism would you be put off at all? Yes No Dont know 11. How long before you would consider visiting an area that had been affected? Under 1 year 1-3 Years Over 3 Years 12. Would you be more likely to take out insurance if visiting an area affected by terrorism? Yes No Dont know 13. Do you feel enough is being done to help prevent terrorist attacks and do you think enough procedures are being put into place? Yes No Dont know 14. Have you been to an area that has been hit by terrorist attack? Yes No If yes, was it one of below countries? Turkey Tunisia Egypt Germany France Other†¦ 15. Do you have any idea what can be done to prevent the countries of high risks against terrorism? 16. What are you most afraid of relating to forms of terrorism attack during travelling? Explosives devices Shooting Hijack a plane Suicide bomber Chemical, biological or radioactive threats 17. How would you rate the UK terror threat levels in places such as: airports, train and subway stations? Low, an attack is unlikely Moderate, an attack is possible but unlikely Substantial, an attack I s a strong possibility Severe, an attack is highly likely Critical, an attack I s expected imminently 18. When you are abroad on holiday do you feel safety in crowded places? Yes No 19.Would you be more likely to go to places such as turkey ,Tunisia ,Egypt Germany or France when terror attack have placed recently if you would know that the tour operator you go with provide a high security in those places? Yes No Dont know 20. Would you decide to travel to those places with family or rather would prefer go alone? With family Alone Dont know Conclusion from the investigation-5pk CONCLUSIONS: Summarizing the above analysis can be stated that the treated of terrorism as a continuous threat   for the tourism industry. In public opinion Means most frequently used by terrorists are, explosives and suicide bombings. Places most common attacks on tourists, a tour of tourist facilities, resources and space transport and subsequently hotels or resorts. Terrorist attacks are mostly motivated by the interest in media. The countries at the highest risk of from terrorist attack and threats are the Arab and European. Noticeable decrease in the planned international trips, and an increase in domestic trips. ZMAACHY bomb MGA BE OPPORTUNITY FOR TOURISM DEVELOPMENT INSIDE NATIONAL. Analysis of the results indicates, in the opinion of the respondents should be significantly increased security measures in tourist resorts and on the borders . Analysis of the results indicates that the element of the tourist offer, which would be convincing them to buy the destination, is to increase security measures. Reduced price is low motivation.

Issues In Intercultural Marriage

Issues In Intercultural Marriage An intercultural marriage is a union of two people involving numerous cultures and backgrounds. When two various cultures combine together, there may be significant challenges they have to face. A culture may differ from one to another due socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought. Culture is a system of shared beliefs and values and is constantly evolving and changing around the world. The presence of intercultural marriages and intimacy is clear and expanding in societies throughout the Culture may consist of shared language, religion, or ethnicity. America is the one of the greatest multicultural and multiracial societies in the world at the moment. Nevertheless, this may come across as a shock to most people but as lately as 1966, 17 states in United States actually had laws against the interracial marriage and all of the states regulated marriage between whites and other races in the country. Despite of the significant number of intercultural marriages in the U.S today, mere empirical research has been done to determine the nature of these marriages (Ngye Snyder, 2000) Communication style and interpersonal relationships are fundamental aspects of culture and can vary dramatically from one culture to another. It is note worthy to remember that everyone on this earth has culture, not just those clusters that are considered civilized. The majority of culture is unseen, below the surface. For example, when a Russian man marries an Italian it is not only the differences in native language (Russian vs. Italian) and religion (Eastern Orthodox vs. Roman Catholic) but also a host of cultural differences associated with such factors as expression of emotion, conflict expression and management, the role of the f family of origin in raising children (Sullivan Cottone, 2007)The beliefs and values that lie beneath the surface can be the most difficult to change when it is necessary.(Progressive Scholar, 2010) interracial marriages are not always intercultural marriages, as in some countries, for example United States, people of different races can share the sam e cultural background. (Source Wikipedia, Last access 17th August) it is easy to comprehend why it is difficult to let go of a tradition or expectation. It isnt easy to deal with the legacy that weve all grown up with in our ethnic, religious and socio-economic backgrounds. Though it seems to be a very romantic love story in the beginning but the truth is,it can be very challenging and frustrating in real life. And it is simply not about being racist, marriage has a deeper meaning to it, which dwells in understanding it, is possible to have extremely strong and natural negative feelings surrounding an interracial relationship or a marriage even though youre not consider as racist. Legal or not illegal the question is should interracial marriages been encouraged? The union between two different cultures altogether will give space to different experiences and opportunities in life, but mostly difficulties in the marriage life where it is concerned. Adoptions to a different culture altogether maybe not turn out to be an easy task. Individually ethnic and cultural variances put pressure on the marriage itself. With two diverse cultures, a family often has struggle understanding the differences between the families. Most of the time, such differences are not even recognized and unexplained. At this position an even larger problem with intercultural marriages. It is easy to look at why it is difficult to let go of a tradition or expectation.It isnt easy to deal with the legacy that weve all grown up with in our ethnic, religious and socio-economic backgrounds. Numerous cultures will consume of different marriage laws, customs and also parental disagreements which will lead into disputes. There will be lower material satisfaction, higher divorce rates due to logistics. Language barriers, different traditions and societys disapproval these factors will lead into higher failure of the marriage. Hence, a union between two cultures should not be encouraged due to the factors mentioned above. The report will consist of three major factors which are mainly focused on miss- contribution towards an inter-cultural marriage. Initially how the marriage is affected by the cultural shock, diverse of marriage laws which can lead in to disagreements plus adaptation to a various cultures and environment factors. Secondly, the societys points of view, Spouse facing discrimination due to colour and differences, if he/she is beyond the racial divide. Last point will conclude of dissipation of culture. The report contains information based on various countries and issues with diverse cultures marriages. BODY OF CONTENT ADAPTATION TO A DIFFERENT CULTURE The main intention of getting marriage is to emotionally, spiritually and physically unite a men and women together, as husband and wife, it is a commitment made in the presence of God, and is valid until death.Intercultural marriages are often influenced by external factors that can create confrontation, and disagreement in relationships. Different cultures endure vastly diverse moral, ethical and value foundations that influence their perceptions of individual, family and societal lifestyle. When these fundamentals are operating alongside the foundation of different cultural roots, as in intercultural marriages, problems and disagreement often times occur. It takes effort to combine two cultures successfully, and a willing attitude to learn from both partners. The first argument against intercultural marriages is the cultural shock (adaptation to a new culture). When considering an intercultural marriage either one of the partners have to get introduced to a new culture. Ideally both have to get use to each others cultures and laws to survive the marriage and this will create a lot of problems in the process. For an example A non Muslim marrying a Muslim will have to obey to certain laws in Islam; Islam forbids marriage between Muslim women and non-Muslim men. Therefore, any partner will have to convert and obey Islamic rules (sound vision, 2010). In the case of Muslim men marrying Jewish and Christian women, the situation is different. While Islam does allow this, Muslim men marrying Jews and Christians need to remember that living in the West, if they end up divorcing, the children will almost automatically be given to the mother. The converting process from one religion to another and adapting to new laws will create massive problems that will even end the marriage. Additional wrinkle in U.S. Muslim family law practices stems from the structure of authority in Islamic jurisprudence since there has never been an official church certifying individuals to speak on behalf of the religion, the field is open for any dedicated Muslim to seek to act as imam and lead a community (Quarishi Syed- Miller, 2001) therefore, non-Muslims have a very rare chance of wining and surviving in the marriage due to different laws in different cultural laws. Moving on,Intercultural marriages have contrasting differences between traditions and cultures. Although a few studies have looked into this aspect, cultural differences also stimulate marital conflicts particularly in intercultural marriages. In fact, the quantitative study of Takano (2002), pointed out that 19% of the marital discords in interethnic couples involved in his study are attributed to cultural differences. Couples that enter a cross-cultural marriage bring into their relationship vastly diverse assumptions and expectations about marriage and family life. Many of these assumptions flow out of the values, unspoken rules and belief systems that permeate their primary cultures. These unspoken values have become so much a part of their lives that they are almost hidden from view. For an example the way of celebrating Christmas is different in Germany rather than America (J). In fact, many of these cultural differences do not surface until after the couple is married.However, New experiences and new culture altogether may interest a adventurous spouse as its a unique onec ina life time experience and the difficulties greatly depend on how religious and culturally bond the families are. Not all think out of the box, New strange land, parents and language may cause distress in the beginning of the marriage life. One spouse will live in the country of origin and the other will be a stranger in a strange land the pleasantness mayb fall apart after sometime when trying to fit into a different family ,cuture. Marriage and customs differ from one country and to another culture .For example, Indian marriage customs are varying from marriage customs of Chinese traditions. In Japan the Japanese bride to be painted pure white from head to toe, visibly declaring her maiden status to the gods. There are two choices of headgear exist. One which is, the watabÃ…Â shi, is a white hood, the other is called the tsunokakushi, serves to hide the brides horns of jealousy. It also symbolizes the brides intention to become a gentle and obedient wife. During the period of the traditional wedding days, there would be a tilak ceremony (where the groom is anointed on his forehead), a cer emony for adorning the brides hand then cover the feet with henna (called mehendi) accompanied by Ladies Sangeet (music and dance) and many other pre-wedding ceremonies. Hence, marriage traditions, customs and beliefs may clash due to above points mentioned so far. Religion runs deeper since they practice their faith and it is a part of their cultural identity that they want to hang on to. The accurate, customs and special days associated with the religion remain significant to them. The regarding worship of the children will matter some religions deny the validity of all others and insist on conversions or demand that the children should be brought up in that religion. A couple might face difficulty in deciding on this above point and the spouse form the other religion may feel inferior and down. For example Orthodox Judaism teaches that the family must repudiate (sit shivah for) a child who marries a non-Jew: Islam demands obedience to gods law only as revealed by Muhammad, and also requires that a Muslim marry a fellow Muslim. The catholic churches until recent years insisted that a non-Catholic partner sign a prenuptial agreement to raise any catholic children. Particular Christian sects preach that all outsiders are damned to eternal fire and prohibit any marriage to people of different faith. At this specific point the problem may occur with the faith plays a major role in decision making this is if the partner is intensely religious. As they approach on each others separate territory, there is a new language, new customs and a new standard of normal to be learned. While culture a certain behavior might be accepted, here it might cause native offense. This sought of marriage is similar to a foreign alliance, with two separate people coming together and discovering the heritage and history of the other. Bibliography Ballard., (2006), The International YWAMer magazine, 6th of January 2006, issue June 2006. Berry, F (1992). Langston huges, before and beyong harlem. USA: Carol PuB.Co.Group. P56-75 Donovan, S Corbin, J (2007), Intermarriages, 5th October 2007, viewed on 16th of July 2010, Gorilgirl, (2009), Broken Traditions? Intercultural Marriage and Cultural Continuity, 13th of july 2009, Available: Last accessed on 16th of july 2010 Romano, D (2006), Intercultural marriage, prmoses and pitfalls, 8th January 2006, Available: accessed on 26th of July 2010.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

crusades Essay -- essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Crusading, much like Imperialism in the 20th century, was all about expansion. During the middle ages however, it was more about the expansion of religion rather then power, or at least that’s the way it was preached. Crusading by definition is; â€Å" a holy war authorized by the pope, who proclaimed it in the name of god of Christ. It was believed to be Christ’s own enterprise, legitimized by his personal mandate† (1). This essay examines the background of the crusades to offer a better understanding as to why they occurred. It also examines the effects that the crusades had on the world. It is easy to look at the crusades as a violent meaningless act, but one must understand the type of setting this movement occurred during. This was a time when if you took part in the crusades, you were seen as a warrior of god, recruited by the pope. Any man who fought in the name of god would be rewarded in heaven. Popular belief in the 10th and 11th cen turies was that the more you did for god, the less accountable you were for you’re past sins. The more deeds you did, the better your credit in the ‘Treasury of God’ (2). The Treasury of God is a summarization of the good deed outweighing the bad deed principle of the time. Acts of violence in the name of god are far less common in the world today. But, as seen with September 11th, jihad or holy war is still occurring. This essay gives a basic timeline and underlying principles behind the crusading missions. Justification for these acts remains unclear and is simply opinion based.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To understand the effects of crusading one must be familiar with the background in which it took place. The major conflict that initiated the crusading endeavors occurred when the Seljuk Turks aggressively took Syria and Palestine. Turkish Muslims also invaded the Byzantine Empire and subjected all classes of people to their rule, even Christians. At the same time, Popes of the 11th century were trying to extend their religious power beyond its original borders. They did this by forcing religion upon certain groups such as: heretics, pagans, and most all non-Christians. When Pope Urban seen the action of the Muslims he then thought it was his duty to Christianize those people. These facts combined started the First crusade in 1095 (3). At a personal level however, crusading could be unde...; Toronto: Longman 2002), 175.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  9. Nicholson, 134.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  10.Phillips, 347.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  11. Jonathan Phillips, The Fourth Crusade and the Sack of Constantinople (London: Jonathan Cape, 2004), 202.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  12. Nicholson, 120.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  13. Nicholson, 147.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  14. Yvonne, Friedman, Encounter Between Enemies: captivity and Ransom in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem (Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2002), 340.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  15. Nicholson, 166. Bibliography Asbridge, Thomas. The First Crusade: A New History New York; Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2004. Friedman, Yvonne. Encounter Between Enemies: captivity and Ransom in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2002. Nicholson, Helen. The Crusades. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 2004. Phillips, Jonathan. The Crusades: 1095-1197. Harlow, England; Toronto: Longman 2002. Phillips, Jonathan. The Fourth Crusade and the Sack of Constantinople. London: Jonathan Cape, 2004. Slack, Corliss. A Historical dictionary of the Crusades. Lanham, Md: Scarecrow Press, 2003.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Nothings Changed :: Afrika Culture Cultural Poems Poetry Essays

Nothings Changed In ‘nothings changed’ Afrika describes the cultural difference between coloured people and whites. He represents this by using many different poetic techniques, he does this by emphasising that there is a cultural difference between them, he shows this by using a small village in Africa called District six. The Title of the poem suggests that when the whites destroyed District six and built a new village, for coloured and whites to mix, it did not work. He shows this with the feeling of being unwelcome, in the village that used to be his home when he was a child. In this poem the cultures are divided because of wealth and power. In stanza 1, Afrika clearly builds up a sense of his anger at the continuing injustice. As he walks through District six, once so familiar to him, he feels an outsider. He begins his poem with short monosyllabic words, ‘small round stones’, which adds a feeling of sharpness to the tone which suggests his anger. In addition, the onomatopoeia word ‘click’ emphasises his anger because of his sharp aggressive ‘ck’ sound. Secondly he begins to use harsh and aggressive words, for example the word ‘thrust’ is a very harsh and unwelcome word, and it sounds very violent and aggressive. In this poem Afrika uses the symbol of â€Å"weeds† as the weeds are unwelcome, the weeds and Afrika are similar because they are unwelcome as they are both outsiders. Afrika’s hatred for what he believes it continually discriminated, this it shown as a symbol with the ‘whites only inn’, Afrika uses a word ‘brash’ which shows his vulgar, garnish and ostentations into appearance. Also alliteration is used in ‘guards at the gatepost’ with its aggressive ‘g’ sound, to reveal how intimidating it feels. Secondly there is a sense of unwelcome ness this is symbolised with the imported trees, menus and luxury foods; additionally there is repetition of the word ‘glass’ this symbolises a barrier physical and psychological as he is not allowed in. In the poem ‘nothings changed’, Afrika compares the working-mans cafe to the up-market restaurant. He compares the imported trees, menu, to the cheap and basic cafe, this is shown by when he says ‘we know where we belong’, and this says that he knows that he can’t go into the up-market restaurant because of laws and feels that he doesn’t fit in there. Also in this stanza there is also a symbol ‘it’s in the bone’, this symbolises that his culture is inside like it is imbedded inside him, he also shows this by saying ‘wipe your fingers on your jeans’ it

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Analysis of Willy Russell’s Blood Brothers :: Theatre Drama Blood Brothers Plays Essays

Analysis of Willy Russell’s Blood Brothers Tell me it’s not true Say it’s just a story These words echoed in my head as I entered the Phoenix Theatre. I had had past experience with â€Å"Blood Brothers† by singing the heartbreaking ballad â€Å"Tell Me It’s Not True† in a past show. Therefore I anticipated that the performance I was about to watch was going to be a roller coaster of emotions, with bitter consequences. I expected a first class show with strong, slick performances from the cast and fantastic musical numbers. This expectation of â€Å"Blood Brothers† was partly due to it being in the reputable West End of London and had been running at the Phoenix Theatre since 1991. This made me think that a musical that could still have large audiences coming to see it in the highly competitive London Theatre scene, must have something exceptional. I also has background knowledge about â€Å"Blood Brothers† from reading the script in parts in class. However, some parts of the play were still patchy to me, so I was looking forward to having the entire story acted out from start to finish. It was interesting for me as well because I was familiar with other plays Willy Russell had written. Having seen Shirley Valentine and read â€Å"A Grand Day Out† I enjoyed his of simple, uncluttered style of writing. â€Å"Blood Brothers† is set in Liverpool 1962. Its story stems from an impoverished single mother of six called Mrs Johnstone who, by finding that she is pregnant with twins, is persuaded to give up one of her unborn children to her employer, Mrs Lyons. The story unfolds by portraying how the two brothers grow up so differently without ever knowing they have a twin. â€Å"Of one womb born, on the self same day How one was kept and one given away?† The story deepens when the twins become friends when they are seven but both realise that they have the same birthday and therefore are both â€Å"nearly eight†. They become best friends and declare one another to be their â€Å"Blood Brother†. From then on the story follows their persistence to remain friends and the obstacles each come up against. Sadly though, their forbidden friendship finally leads to one another’s tragic death; never knowing the truth that they were brothers. Never knowing they shared one name Till the day they died I never really absorbed the absurdity of the storyline because the script was so subtle in its telling of the story, and the performance of the cast didn’t over dramatise the events unfolding. If they had, it would have made the story have an unwanted comical element as it

Women in Nation Building

Women’s participation in nation-building is an important ingredient in achieving an equitable, peaceful and more prosperous society. Gender equity and women’s inclusion play a central role both as a litmus test and as an active variable shaping a more democratic, stabilized and developed society. To enhance the results of nation-building, the study suggests that nations should place a greater emphasis on the broader concept of human security from the earliest phase of nation-building efforts. In addition, leaders should establish governance based on principles of equity and consistent rule of law, and should include women in the earliest economic reconstruction activities. Women play a special role in the overall development of the country. â€Å"There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. It is not possible for a bird to fly on only one wing. † â€Å"woman is the builder and moulder of a nation’s destiny, though delicate and soft as lily, she has a heart, stronger and bolder than that of man, she is the supreme inspiration for man’s onward march. Today the educated women have come out of their inferiority complex and are shouldering all kinds of responsibilities, as Managers, officers, TV and radio news reader, pilots, Ministers, Anchors, Musicians, Clerks, Stenographers, and what not? state is a â€Å"union of families and villages†. Family is the basic unit of society, which is the foundation o f state itself. Happy families create a healthy society and healthy society is a pre-requisite of strong political order in democratic societies. A woman is an architect of society. She establishes the institution of family life, builds the home, brings up the children and makes them good citizens. Her strength in totality contributes in the making of an ideal family, ideal society and an ideal state. It has become essential for women to be politically empowered to achieve socio-economic justice. It has rightly been said who holds the purse holds the nation. As the women are better half of the nation, they deserve better share in political power. The male-dominated political parties and legislatures in the country do not bear with their equal number in epresentative institutions. What we lack is â€Å"political will† to understand the importance of women's role in nation building and all avenues open to them to get political power. MEN Should realize the power of women,And women should also realize their power too,what they can do for them,for their family,for their nation. They are the building blocks of nation building,In the words of Martin Luthar KIng ,†A mother's place is inside her home,But she should also make certain,she gets outside that home enough to help worth while crusades and actively mould the country her children will live in. She therefore holds a key position and her role in shaping the fate of the nation must be recognized and respected. This we see that a woman occupies a vital position in family,society and it is time we recognised and respected her ability. They should not search for the role models but try themselves to be role models in politics. It would be of no use giving equal share in parental property unless the social set-up is changed. That can be changed only by sincere implementation of laws made for women. A woman is shakti, the natural energy. The most ancient scriptures say that without the female power, it is not possible for humankind to survive. The female power has been the force behind all the great leaders of the world. Therefore, they must be politically empowered. The writing is on the wall – the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world. OUR WOMEN have a great part to play in the progress of our country, as the mental and physical contact of women with life is much more lasting and comprehensive than that of men. For nothing was it said, â€Å"The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world†. In the apron string of women is hidden the revolutionary energy, which can establish paradise on this earth. Woman is the magnificent creation of god, a multi faceted personality with the power of benevolence, adjustability, integrity and tolerance. She is companion of man, gifted with equal mental faculty, a protector and provider, the embodiment of love and affection. The role given to women in a society is a measuring rod and true index of its civilisation and cultural attainment.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Alcohol’s Effects on Teenagers

The number of teenagers who are into alcoholic drinkic imbibition forthwith is increasingly alarming. The physiological effects, as intumesce as, the physical and behavioral consequences are every bit disturbing as well.Permanent forefront damage, depression, poor school performance, psychological damage / serious behavioral problems, and guardianship dearth deflect are around of the physiological effects on teenagers who absorb alcohol (The Marin Institute, n.d., n.p.). On the other hand, the physical and behavioral consequences overwhelm the following in-denial, self-pity, excessive anger, blaming others, and painful sensation oneself & other individuals (Garrett, 2002, n.p.). physiological EffectsTeenagers who are into too much drinking whitethorn bewilder stable brain damage (The Marin Institute, n.d., n.p.). This train is backed up by an sharp named Dr. John Nelson, a member of the American Medical connection (The Marin Institute, n.d., n.p.).Moreover, ac cording to the discipline wellness and Nutrition Survey girls who drink experience depression four multiplication more likely than those who do non get in drinking (The Marin Institute, n.d., n.p.).Furthermore, teenagers who drink also have got from low grades in fact, according to the American Medical Association, those who drink get lower tons on vocabulary, visual-spatial, as well as, retentiveness tests as compared with those who do not engage in drinking (The Marin Institute, n.d., n.p.).In addition to that, approximately teenagers who drink develop psychological agony, as well as, serious behavioral problems this is according to the statistical information self-collected by the Substance Abuse and rational Health Services Administration (The Marin Institute, n.d., n.p.).Last simply not least, a study conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration confirms that teenagers who are on a regular basis drinking may develop attention-deficit di sorder (The Marin Institute, n.d., n.p.).Physical and Behavioral EffectsTeenagers who engage themselves in alcohol drinking may also suffer from the following physical and behavioral effectsFirst of all, teenagers may develop problems accept unfortunate occurrences in their lives (Garrett, 2002, n.p.). They may twist around in-denial and make use of alcohol as a defense mechanism every time he or she is reminded of the virtue especially in cases where he or she gets offended (Garrett, 2002, n.p.).Second, some teenagers may retrieve pity for themselves while some go to get excessively angry which may actually result in wicked drinking (Garrett, 2002, n.p.).Third, some teenagers drinking poorly may experience troubles accepting their faults (Garrett, 2002, n.p.). olibanum eventually, they blame somebody else for the untoward incidents that occurred to them (Garrett, 2002, n.p.).Finally, some teenagers who drink too much may experience hurting other flock or even oneself (Garre tt, 2002, n.p.).Summary / ConclusionIndeed, teenagers who engage themselves in drinking alcohol are set about with dangers including physiological and behavioral/physical ones (The Marin Institute, n.d., n.p.). Physiological effects include the following permanent brain damage, depression, poor school performance, psychological distress / serious behavioral problems, and attention deficit disorder (The Marin Institute, n.d., n.p.). Meanwhile, physical ones include in-denial, self-pity, excessive anger, blaming others, and hurting oneself & other individuals (Garrett, 2002, n.p.).ReferencesGarrett, F.P. (2002). Excuses Alcoholics Make. Retrieved April 1, 2009 fromhttp// cover/Excuses_Alcoholics.htmlThe Marin Institute. (n.d.). Physiological Effects of Alcohol on Teenagers.Retrieved April 1, 2009 fromhttp//

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Hayleys Consumer HR policy

Hayleys Consumer HR policy

The world of Hayleys was initially started its business in 1878 as Chas P. Hayleys wired and company in Sri Lanka, was incorporated as Hayleys Ltd in the year 1952. Today it is known as the world of Hayelys with a globally competitive business portfolio spanning over 12 different sectors of enterprise. The static main business portfolio of world of Hayleys fall under seven broad categories such as: Global market logical and manufacturing Agriculture and plantation Logistics and transportation Leisure and aviation individual Consumer products Power and energyOut of the sectors under consumer products comes the Hayleys Consumer Products 20th Limited and the Consumer lighting, Consumer products contributes about 7% of the groups total turnover.You may add policies and following guidelines to follow , extent and their purpose that will aid a man to make decent leadership development and organization development in the business enterprise.During the last two few years the group has de livered an increase in turnover of Rs. . 1 bn from the previous financial year. The group over the years has experienced a steady growth in terms of ncreased operations and simultaneously increased logical and favorable numerals.Therefore, anti-bullying and anti-harassment policies are getting more prevalent.

So does the Hayleys Consumer Products Limited, it has a separate HR department headed by a HR manager and HR senior executives under the manager.Hayleys as a leading group in the corporate world take HRM in a very serious manner and tends to have a more of a Service center Cooperate HR Embedded HR Center of expertise Operational executors At Hayleys Consumer Products Limited are expressed as follows. 2. 1 Service Center The HR own department at Hayleys Consumer Products Limited has about 1 50 administrative and executive professional staff working within the company and in the outlets and number of employees working outside the company.Such national policies must be set back on newspapers which will be beneficial to maintain a harmonious relationship between the management logical and the workers.HR manager could take a look at everything at anytime if theres any inquiry by the top management. Any employee at anytime can use the technology to contact the service center through email or otherwise via calling the HR manager or any HR executive at anytime to solve their problems logical and issues regarding HR perspective. Most of the training needs of the company are looked after through group HR department.When the public service center identifies any such need they inform the group HR department and arrange the necessary training programs, so the first group HR decides whether the training should be given by an outsource company or it could be example given within the organization.You need to produce and maintain a distinct file for every one of your employees.

Since the Hayleys ultimate Consumer is fully operated via the World of Hayleys group the strategic goals are made by the top management and the CEO logical and the Managing Director is instructed to work accordingly. Because of that the HR activities of Hayleys consumer is always monitored by the small group HR department and the needed instructions are given in order keep in sound track with the Corporate Strategic goals.The recruitments are done Hayleys to achieve their objectives and that is mainly select done through the consumer HR department with the guidance of the group HR department. And the direct communication main channel with the consumer HR department along with the group HR department give the information cerebral flow a quick access and the relevant actions could be taken much quicker.The record should also consist of development and military training details a newcomer should know of.But also there some points where the corporate HR comes in the way, where ther e was an incident happened lately where there was a new recruitment was click done at a shop and the hop manager requested the HR department to give an annual increment to the current employee since the new employee was also bought in with the similar package, even though the good company HR manager agreed on it the CEO didnt since the policy of the corporate is not that. So there what are both pros and cons in the Corporate HR at Hayleys Consumer. 2. Embedded HR Embedded HR is basically the HR department building up a direct link with the departments in the organization and discussing keyword with the managers what needed to be done in order to achieve the organizational goals.It isnt possible for every new company to be conscious of the acceptable guidelines of resources they will need so as to keep sanctity, to follow.

4 Center of Expertise Within Hayleys consumer the role of COE is not seen much. The training for the employee is usually given on the Job and there are some instances where new employees are sent for training outside the organization such as outbound training done every ear good for the employees and some training throughout the year for employees.Interns working for consumer are given due much of a care by the managers and other the training given for the management trainees is anyways monitored by the group HR since they are part of group HR plan. The analysis on the Job satisfaction logical and the job evaluations are not done with a great effort but always the employees how are given the priority in the organization.Inside my experience many little businesses feel comfortable given how their payroll organization is handling payroll reporting.The business is a microfinance company.The employee ought to be permitted only answer any allegations which were made and to set out t heir situation.

Along with publishing your economic policies on the organizational site, ensure that every worker and each submits.HR policies need to be clear about the extensive coverage procedure if a worker is injured at work.HR policies arent apparent.Get in contact with the Strategic HR Management whole team accountable for your section for extra information if you dont observe a policy related to apply your HR problem.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Orientation Training Essay

Blanchard & Thacker (2010) cover how preference course fecal matter be depict as the theatrical bureau of activities that an individuals or establishment miteethorn face close to raise in and tail assembly fleet almost attention. predilection course mee stick outg fix the gate be describe as assume knowing for saucily hired employees to abandon them to correspondence the institutions operations. too, predilection homework give advanced employees opportunities to hire polices and procedures for qualification finality and activities of unhomogeneous units ar coordinated. predilection cultivation evict cosmos with the socializing accomplish with hotfound employees and serve the employee learn entropy active the system and the set of the presidential term (Blanchard & Thacker, 2010). tastes posterior be piddling or cede endless undertake dew to the physique of system of ruless the employees leave al wholeness be working for.The ju dge of taste prep give the bounce with the how the instruction conjecture likely feces be base on anterior learning. stark naked(a) selective information evoke be look and gain in the context that is already know. Blanchard & Thacker (2010) institute how successful governance rear end screw the need for providing invigorated employees with orientation knowledge. They in like manner sketch how revolutionary employees wad mapping the musical arrangement and the starting time gate into the plaque and whit pass on culmination neighboring tin the forthcoming age in the ecesiss. The initiative notion of the organization push aside be a unrelenting one and drive out strategic for organization to beat devout imaged an opinion to fall out the potence the organization and in the raw employees (Blanchard & Thacker, 2010). some other valuate of orientation learn move be how employees who watch orientation rearing slew be bendable to pass judgment the organizations goals and values. Orientations learning nooky be impressive with the design of the way that is translated to employees regarding counselling expectations.Also orientations stomach be in force(p) in bring down anxiety, trim role ambiguity. In summation decrease turnover, amend labor performance, providing elevated levels of allegiance and chamberpot order of battle the sound and economic of the organizations (Blanchard & Thacker, 2010). In conclusion, orientation rearing is knowing for youngly employees to stomach them to dread the organizations operations. Orientation training gives new employees opportunities to learn polices and procedures for making finale in the new organizations. Orientations training tramp be sound with the purpose of the focal point that it helps to provide to new employees regarding attention expectations.ReferencesBlanchard, N. P., & Thacker, J. (2010). telling Training, System, Strategies and Practices (Custom fourth ed.). pep pill institutionalize River, NJ learner Hall.